Cold Brew and Nicotine
Captivating veiled in a cloud of nicotine
Secret longings sailing in smoke
Love is color to eyes that have never seen
In amber libations, her heart she’ll soak
Each sip closer to when the sadness slides
Bottles and cigarettes count hours gone
Each drag she confesses and she confides
She's long tired of the drama: Fine Being Alone
Her eyes betray secrets
that her smile works to hide
No lover. No regrets.
Only pain by her side.
Memories yet born
And things left unsaid
Haunt all the love songs
that play in her head
To love and be loved
First thing on her list
Three words are enough
To one never kissed
Cold universe
Cruel destiny
How ironic her name
Yet to everyone she’s happy
She just smiles through the pain
But in the small hours
When emptiness calls
Loneliness devours
Yet still she won’t fall
She looks up at the night sky and wonders away
Will these falling stars keep their promises she yells…
Will love be faithful and find her one day, someday
She fuckin’ hates that answer: “Only time will tell”
So just keep faking the smiles
Even after the smoke clears
Love may take more than a while
A thousand tears, maybe beers
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