Sunday, August 16, 2009

Dear Reader

8.16.09... I don't even know what to write anymore. So, I guess this is the point where this exercise becomes a true blog. I'm not selling you anything, so it's difficult. Give me a service or a product and I'll go on and on about related news and reasons why you should buy! buy! buy! No, wait! I am selling you something. I'm selling you on the idea that it's worth your time to read this. And, as I write this, I'm selling myself on the idea that someone will actually care to read this, or at least find it entertaining. But even if you don't, I'm compelled to write. Why? Because as I sit here, drinking myself numb, one clear fact crystallizes -- I'm alone.

You, dear reader, are my only companion. When you read this, of course, some time has passed. Still, remember that I had you in mind with every tap of the keyboard. I guess that's a very human need -- the need to connect with anyone. And this is my lame attempt.

I know what you're asking. Are you that big of a loser? Actually, I interact with people daily. I go out often with friends, during which I usually make new friends. I'm gregarious by nature. And I happen to enjoy meeting new people. I've had several girlfriends. I've been in serious relationships. I've been dating, lately. But it's not the same. There's this Saran Wrap getting in the way -- an invisible but seemingly impenetrable film coming between me and people. People think they're getting close, but that's just the plastic wrap flexing. I want to get close, but the plastic-ness of it all suffocates.

As the song goes... I've never been so alone, and I have never been so alive...