Sunday, November 30, 2008

No, Nothing...

They say there are signs everywhere, if you're open to them. Well, I guess I was receptive that day because I was hit by back-to-back blaring neon reminders. I hadn't thought about her in years. Then, out of the blue, there were two separate memories triggered by two unrelated "signs". I had to write to her, if for no other reason than to reconnect with a friend.

We separated in good terms. It was about 6 years, ago, when we last saw each other. Since then, there were sporadic emails with years between each. We lived hundreds of miles apart. And I hesitated calling because she was in a serious, long-term relationship. I think I may have called once or twice a few years back; I was drunk, and I awoke and annoyed her with stupid angst-ridden ramblings.

I don't know exactly what happened between us to bring us together in the first place. It was just gravity. Two people colliding on their way to someplace else. But I've never forgotten. And, sometimes, I miss whatever it was, whatever it wasn't. We had feelings that kept us restless until we were finally together and canceled everything else out.

A fling? Maybe. Love? Who the fuck knows? All I know is, I knew nothing. It was enough just being there together. And I was happy.